Corporate Governance for Financial Institutions
Fully understand, and be able to apply, international standards of governance and compliance

Who should attend?
- Regulatory authorities in Banking, Insurance, Pensions and Capital Markets
- Executive and non-executive Board and committee members
- Company secretaries
- Shareholder representatives
- Senior managers and executives
- Corporate lawyers
- Marketing specialists
- Institutional investors
- Junior Managers, Fresh Graduates & Final Semester Students to acquire a promising career in a reputable organization.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
- Describe key risk management and internal control concepts
- Apply the main industry frameworks and standards which influence internal controls
- Assess the effectiveness of their organisations internal controls
- Demonstrate to and guide executives and management in the establishment of an appropriate control environment
- Understand the effective usage of internal controls
Course Content
The World of Corporate Governance Today
- International events leading to governance reform
- Purpose and objectives of governance including agency risk and moral hazard
- US Sarbanes Oxley – act style legislation vs. UK-style voluntary code: focusing where possible on participant’s countries
- Standards-driving bodies and evolving principles
- Formative regulatory bodies including OECD, Basel Committee, SECs and CMAs, Central Banks
Main Components and Principles
- Eight principles which underpin every system of governance
- OECD Code core concepts and guidance
- Listing requirements and continuous obligations
- Corporate Governance in the financial sector – raising the bar – what is special about banks and bank governance?
- Basel Committee’s guidance on enhancing corporate governance for the banking sector
- Review of European Union’s approach to Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions
The Governing Body
- What does a “Good” financial institution look like
- Alternative board structures – dual and unitary boards
- Different types of board members: their roles and responsibilities, including the Secretary to the Board
- The growing importance of the INED
- The vital role of Board Committees in the new era of governance, including the audit committee, nominations & remuneration committee and the risk committee
Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) in Financial Institutions
- The growth and linkage of these three topics in finance
- The main components of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
- The central role of internal controls and linkage to ERM
- Best practice compensation principles and standards
- Shareholders, depositors and other stakeholders need for disclosure and transparency
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Defining CSR
- The link between CSR and Corporate Governance
- CSR – economic, legal, ethical and discretionary aspects
- CSR and financial institutions – is it just a public relations exercise?
- Where does the regulator fit in?
- The course will end with a multi-choice questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge gained and to fresh and assist the retention of new information