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Conference Date: | 22nd – 23rd August 2024 |
Abstract Submission Deadline: | 15th July 2024 |
Conference Venue: | Senate House, London, U.K University of Oxford, U.K |
Conference Title: | Applied Research International Conference on Gender, Inclusion & Diversity (ARICGID) 2024, Oxford |
Benefits to Attend ARICON Conferences
Full-paper publication (optional) in the following SCOPUS Journals:
Journal Title: Migration Letter
Scope: Social Sciences/ Humanities
ISSN: 1741-8984 | e-ISSN: 1741-8992
Publication Frequency: Bimonthly
Journal Title: Kurdish Studies Journal
Scope: Business Studies, Management Sciences, Social Sciences, Literature, Language, Education.
Journal of Comprehensive Business Administration Research(3029-2697)
Scope: Business Studies, Management Sciences, Social Sciences, Literature, Language, Education.
eISSN 3029-2697 | Published by Bon View Publishing Pte Ltd.
For details: https://londoninstitutesd.co.uk/awards-oxford-2023
For queries: research@londoninstitutesd.co.uk, (+44) 7988700024
Be a Premier Member of OXFORD AWARDS CLUB, U.K
For details: https://londoninstitutesd.co.uk/become-a-member/
Video Conferencing Option (Only few spots available)
In order to restrain our participants from traveling during pandemic covid-19, we have introduced this new feature of video conferencing- A convenient way of sharing and discussing for those who can not travel to the conference destination
- After abstract acceptance, send us your presentation slides (PPT).
- Download Zoom App (Mobile/Notepad/Tablet)
- Create (Sign-Up) a Zoom Account (www.zoom.us)
- We will send a meeting invite with an embedded video link. You can find the Meeting ID and Password.
- Verify your camera and audio input and network connectivity set up before joining the conference call and sharing your screen.
- You can leave the meeting whenever you want. Maximum Time Limit for Presentation: 10-15 Minutes
Who Should Attend?
LISD provides an opportunity for academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers with different backgrounds and experience to present their papers in the conference and exchange and share their experiences, innovative ideas, research results, as well as discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
Conference-committee highly encourage doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal or literature review or findings or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees.
Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes. Listeners and keen learners are also welcomed in a specific category to attend the conference.
One of the key highlights of this conference is the Research-oriented Movie NAFISAA, based on real inhuman case of Shelter Home of Muzaffarpur District of Bihar, India.
The Movie depicts the realistic pain of innocent girls who were subject to immense mental and Physical torture by the Racket with Nexus of Anti-Social Elements, Crooked Politicians and Powerful Corrupt Bureaucrats.
The Writer and Director Mr. Kumar Neeraj took an ethical opportunity to screen out the series of incident as a tool of Awareness for Protection of Women so that no further incidents like same may ever occur. Mr. Kumar Neeraj is one of the Youngest Director and Filmography Expert of India. He has made number of Movies, Albums, and Video Songs. And all his creation is always for Social Welfare Cause.
Mr. Kumar has opted a Challenging Task to make Movie on this Subject facing all odds from Pressure Groups. He has shown an Extraordinary Courageous Task by making this Film. The Team of NAFISAA has faced many delinquents and turbulent situations which completion of the film from many “Anti-social” Pressure Groups. But the whole team never gave up and with a profound mutual trust among all the team members finally the movie was completed with eliminating all hurdles.
The vision of Mr. Kumar Neeraj to capture the complete outlook of the series of the incident (Shelter Home Case) is covering the Dot to Structure of the content of the Movie representing each and every shade of events and Characters. The content of Movie is compiled through primary data collection by Mr. Kumar Neeraj and his team, from the victims and their family members, one by one in person in a Decent and Proctored Environment which makes the movie a realistic masterpiece. The viewers feel the emotions of the characters played in movie.
The gist of movie unfolds the Power of Law to protect innocent and to provide the Safety Jacket to all the people who believe in Law. The Movie is a classic example of “Diamond’s Shine” being written and Directed by Mr. Kumar Neeraj and done by Dr. Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava in a meticulous perfect manner.
The Documentation of Research Archives has been supported and brushed up by precedence of legal documental references by Dr. Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava. Dr. Abhinav is one of the youngest PhD in India, earning his Doctorate in Management at mere age of 26. He is alumni Department of Management Studies of Prestigious IIT(ISM), Dhanbad. He has penned 21 High Impact Factor Journals and Three Books to his Credit. His explorative Research in sphere of influence of “Women Empowerment” and its related segments have been part of esteemed Research Showcase at various Conferences at Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (2012), Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee (2012), Higher School of Economics-Moscow Russia (2012), Indian Institute of Management, Indore (2016, as a Guest Speaker of Academic Workshop), Asia Pacific Network of Moral Education (2018), Taiwan.
Dr. Abhinav’s book ‘Workers’ Participation in Management in Policy Making’ is one of the world’s most appreciated books in Field of Management. His chapter of Book “Gender Balance in Administration” is widely appreciated which explains the “Broader Impact of Women Empowerment with utilization of minimal resources”. He has travelled extensively on Multiple International Academic Assignments worldwide. He holds a very high reputation in domain of Research and Academics and is also instrumental as a faculty to various Academic Institutes.
The topic of Movie for Awareness and Social Cause is screened and invited by London Institute of Skills Development and The Oxford Club, United Kingdom. This is a first time that a Movie on “Socio-Economic Legal” theme has been invited to the OXFORD CLUB for a Global Screening at Applied Research International Conference on GENDER, INCLUSION & DIVERSITY to be held at the University of London and University of Oxford, U.K.
Conference Registration Fee Includes:
- Access to all scientific sessions at the conference
- Certificate of Participation/ presentation
- Congress package and inserts
- The E-abstract book
- Lunch
- Coffee breaks
- Conference proceedings with ISBN code
- Participation in breakout sessions
- Best paper award
- Official photograph
- Free excursion
- Nomination for Oxford Award in Research and Innovation
- On-request meeting with the conference chair
Virtual participant registration fee includes
- The e-book of abstracts with the scientific program of the conferences
- The e-book of full-text proceedings with ISBN number
- Certificate of Attendance/ Presentation
- Technical support
- Virtual Networking
22nd August 2024
- Scientific Sessions
- Presentations
- Panel discussions
- Speeches by Dignitaries
- Human Rights- Research-Based Movie-Clips Screening
- Networking Tea/ Coffee/ Working Lunch
23rd August 2024
DAY 2 - University of Oxford, U.K
- Trinity College – University of Oxford campus
- New Bodleian Library
- Spires of Oxford
- Historic Chapels of Oxford University
- High Street of Oxford City
- Filming Locations of The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis )
- Alice In Wonderland
- The Lord Of The Rings
- Historic Pubs &
- The Most Haunted Site in Oxford University
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 15th July 2024
- Abstract feedback: within 7 working days
- Early bird registration deadline: 18th June 2024
- Regular registration deadline: 18th July 2024
- Late registration deadline: 9th August 2024
- On-spot Registration: 19th August 2024
- Conference dates: 22nd – 23rd August 2024
- Full-paper submission (Optional): 18th September 2024
- The proceedings will be published by: 28th September 2024
- Journal Publication (Optional) 4 to 6 weeks
The University of Oxford has thirty-nine colleges (including Parks College, established on 7 May 2019)[1] and six permanent private halls (PPHs) of religious foundation. Colleges and PPHs are autonomous self-governing corporations within the university, and all teaching staff and students studying for a degree at the university must belong to one of the colleges or PPHs. These colleges are not only houses of residence, but have substantial responsibility for teaching undergraduate students. Generally tutorials (one of the main methods of teaching in Oxford) and classes are the responsibility of colleges, while lectures, examinations, laboratories, and the central library are run by the university. Most colleges take both graduates and undergraduates, but several are for graduates only.
Venue: Senate House, London, U.K | University of Oxford, U.K
Additional Benefits
- Present to an international audience, and receive a certificate of presentation
- Engage with audience members through Q&A sessions
- Get LIVE feedback from your peers in the audience and Conference-Chairperson
- Publish your Final Paper in the Conference Proceedings, indexed with an ISBN
- ARICON Conference Proceedings are registered by Nielsen, U.K and available at The British Library, U.K
- Have your paper listed, indexed, and searchable online in the Research Archive
- Have your name published in the Conference Programme as a presenter
- Share, comment, and discuss your presentation with peers from around the world
- Participate in plenary presentations and special sessions Zoom
- Breakout Room (Zoom) available for Panel Discussion
Join us at ARICON via Live-Stream!
Many people around the world are moving meetings, classrooms and events online, and ARICON is now offering the option to present online, via Zoom. This is an exciting new opportunity for scholars around the world to engage with an international audience without the need to travel.
Live-stream presentations give speakers the opportunity to avoid expenses and time required to travel, reduce their carbon footprint, and share ideas online. Additionally, many of the same benefits enjoyed by presenters at traditional in-person conferences are also available to online presenters, including presenting one’s work to an international audience and engaging in Q&A, publishing in the Conference Proceedings, and participating in discussions with other scholars around the world.
In addition to Live-stream Presentations via Zoom, ARICON also offers a pre-recorded Virtual Presentation option.
Tips on Giving an Online Presentation
The Live-Stream Presentation Process
To present your research at the conference as a Live-Stream Presenter, your abstract must first pass a double-blind peer review. To submit, go to ARICON Abstract Submission. If accepted for presentation at the conference, ARICON invites authors to register, participate, and publish in the following way:
- Register as a Live-Stream Presenter on the conference website. Upon payment of the registration fee, your attendance at the conference will be confirmed.
- Watch the Demo Video, and Download the Zoom app, and join a test meeting.
- Before the conference, we will send you a link to join your session and send you information on how to watch the live plenary session.
- Participate online by watching the dedicated live stream and by joining dedicated online conference sessions.
- Present and participate in your scheduled live-stream session
- You are invited to submit your Final Paper to the Conference Proceedings (optional), which are archived and made publicly available on the IAFOR Research Archive, and indexed with an ISSN.
- You will then be sent a hard copy of your Certificate of Presentation.
Oxford University Club Rooms
Why Does ARICON Offer Free Tours During Each Conference?
In an era of globalization and multicultural sensitivity, study abroad programs are mushrooming all over the academic world. They would grow even further if academics had more time and resources to visit worldwide destinations to prepare future study abroad programs for their students. Our conferences offer the perfect opportunity to blend in presentations with organized visits to locations that would make excellent venues for study abroad programs.
Andy Warhol’s traditional fifteen minutes of fame – on the podium – stretch into days of academic interaction and discovery. It defies logic to treat conference venues as isolated academic silos when they may also double up as potential venues for study abroad programs. As a result, we promote each conference as inseparable from its geographical location, history and culture. We work hard to find sponsors in each conference’s geographical area that offer generous hospitality and tourism packages in parallel with our conference presentations.
We make our attendees’ potential clear to our sponsors. Many graduate students and professors who attend academic conferences have a lifelong career in academia in front of them. As a result, each attendee has the potential to multiply the number of future visitors to a conference’s wider geographical area. “We have memories so that we might have roses in December,” wrote Scottish novelist James Barrie.
Without the opportunity to interact and share one’s research and ideas, what is the point of attending an academic conference? There is no shortage of academic papers on the internet and at the libraries within our universities. One doesn’t need a conference to access academic research. Printed academic papers allow the reader to digest carefully instead of chasing a speaker racing against the clock. To understand what a modern conference should be like, we invite you to attend an ARICON conference and experience.
Publication and Proceedings:
We are indexed in Neilsen’s U.K which provide access not only in the UK but also globally. Later we recommend full papers to our allied journals who possess a range of indexing including SCOPUS londoninstitutesd/lisd-conference-proceedings/. The publication of paper in journal is subject to the quality of paper and the double-blind review report by the journal/s.
Our Allied Journals are Indexed/Accessed in:
(i) SCOPUS(ii) Ulrich’s serials directory, (iii) Cabell’s directories of Educational Curriculum & Methods and Educational Psychology and Administration, (iv) Proquest, (v) ,EBSCO DataBase (vi) Genamics, (vii) the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA 2012) list compiled by the Australian Research Council, and (viii) Google Scholar (ix) JSTORE (x) Re-PEc (xi) WorldCat (xii) Directory of Open Journals (DJOJ) (xiii) J-Gate etc.