Get ahead of your competitors and gain market share;
- Use the certification process to benchmark yourself against best practice and improve your client proposition;
- Build your reputation and be known as a premier provider by using the LISD Brand and logos, certificates and networks;
- Expand into new markets by attracting organisations that buy L&D activities which meet formal standards;
- Join a network of successful providers committed to being the best in their field;
- Draw on our expertise and receive free advice;
- Extend your client base by being promoted to our community of several thousand professionals.

LISD provides independent, external certification of high-quality training and learning activities which may have difficulty gaining recognition elsewhere.
Becoming a recognised and certified LISD certification provider can be achieved quite simply. Our friendly expert team offer advice and support to ensure your training is quality assured and satisfies the criteria for the certified standards. We make the whole process better, easier and more affordable. AND we will support you every step of the way.
Certifying your training courses is a straight forward process. To show that you satisfy the criteria, you complete an application form and send supporting documentation. A team of CPD experts check it out for what we call “learning logic” in other words is it designed, and will it be delivered, well enough to achieve its objectives and how will this be assessed. We do not certify the detailed content – you are the ‘subject matter expert’, we provide the expertise in learning and development. Once our CPD experts are happy, our friendly service team liaise with you to finalise the process.

Join LISD Fraternity and:
- Be recognised as a high-quality training provider which creates customer confidence and demonstrates value for money;
- Use the certified process to contribute to the marketing and selling of your activities;
- Be confident in the quality of the validation process, which is assured by an independent panel of experts;
- Draw on advice from, and the continuing support of LISD experts;
- Guarantee to your clients not only quality training but also an internationally recognised audit system via uniquely numbered LISD certificates, joint branded with your organisation.
In an increasingly competitive market, we have found among providers an appetite to stand out from the crowd by having their activities validated and certified for quality, and among professionals a desire for assistance in identifying good quality provision. Certification by LISD provides a kite mark of quality that serves professionals and providers alike, and helps to raise overall standards. An independent standard enables potential clients to recognise high quality provision.
LISD demand high standards because we need good quality training provision to be recognised and encouraged. However, we do not justify our standards by operating on a ‘% fail’ basis, we want all training provision to be recognised for its quality. Therefore, we work with you to help you achieve certification. Our team is available to provide free advice and support until you are successful.
This is a concern for a number of our providers. Rest assured that copyright and your Intellectual Property remains with you and your organisation. Our panel of experts work under confidentiality agreements, and it is clear that your content is strictly your IP and not to be shared with any other parties.
We are always eager to support you the Learning & Development fraternity by offering the prospect of getting the commercial edge on your competitors. We are keen to talk with Universities, L&D companies and individuals who would like to increase their revenue through collaboration with us. Click below to discover more.
The whole process normally takes around 10 working days.
Contact Us for A Free Consultation! “You’ll be amazed how straight forward it is”
LISD provides comprehensive Certificate Verification system. After completing the course and acquiring the certificate, any concerned body (University, Current Employer, Future Employer etc) may get a complete record of the participant’s Enrollment and Attendance.