Gabriel G. Uriarte, PhD (3), RPsy
Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel
Doctor of Pedagogy (Honoris Causa)
Dr. Gabriel G. Uriarte is an educator, a clinical psychologist, an entrepreneur, and a servant leader of the people. Together with his wife Dr. Lucina P. Uriarte, they have built Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel (CDSGA), a school of transformative education for the community. His four children, Dr. Charlotte U. Pai, Atty. Jemar P. Uriarte, Dr. Grace Joy U. Mendoza, and Dr. Charles Bryan P. Uriarte, are in one with his noble crusade of uplifting the lives of his fellow Bulakenyos through psychologically innovative, affordable, quality, and caring education. Hundreds of live were changed for the better with CDSGA’s legacy.