Nurzarimah Jamil is an accomplished professional with a wealth of experience in the education field. Currently, she is a lecturer and a Head of the Student Affairs Unit at Polytechnic METrO Johor Bahru, Malaysia. She started her teaching career as a teacher, then a tutor and now she is a senior lecturer. With a career spanning over 20 years, she has consistently demonstrated expertise, dedication, and leadership.
With her educational background in Teaching English As a Second Language (TESL), both for her degree and master’s, her contributions and her commitment to fostering a positive learning environment have earned recognition and admiration from both students and peers. Nurzarimah Jamil has received multiple prestigious awards throughout her career, twice she received the Excellent Service Award awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.
While primarily a lecturer, Nurzarimah Jamil has actively engaged in research activities locally and internationally. Her research publications in respected academic journals, have added depth and credibility to her teaching, inspiring students to pursue research themselves. With her outstanding research, she has been invited as a speaker at various international conferences. Her presentations have been well received for her to be invited to the Parliament of the World’s Religions at Toronto, Canada in 2018 to share her other interests in human unity and world peace.
Her passion in innovation began with a deep understanding of the challenges facing the students and industries. She assembled a diverse team of experts, each bringing their unique perspective and skill set to the table. The impact of her innovations of “iAktif”, “EasyKitt”, “Puppet Chess” and “Easy Quote Maker” was immediate and far-reaching. Notably, gold medals for these innovations were bestowed upon her innovation, reaffirming its significant and relevance in education and industry.
Her journey in education and career has been marked by a series of achievements that reflect her dedication to excellence, passion for continuous learning, and a drive to make a meaningful impact. Weather in the realm of academia or student affairs, she has consistently pushed the boundaries of what she can achieve, setting and surpassing ambitious goals along the way. These accomplishments have not only enriched her personal and professional life but also contributed to her growth as an individual who value knowledge, perseverance, and the pursue of excellence.